Hampshire Calligraphers
Who We Are
A group of people who share a love of calligraphy and lettering
We're a friendly group of people, all intent on learning more, improving our skills, and promoting the art and craft of Calligraphy in all its forms.
We are an enthusiastic group of calligraphers, from near-beginner to professional. We run regular Saturday workshops with invited tutors on specialist topics, publish a newsletter to keep you up to date on current local and national calligraphic events, and organise an exhibition usually once a year.
All levels of experience are welcome. Whilst the source of new members has traditionally been from adult education classes, these classes are diminishing as Government funding is withdrawn. Nevertheless, people find their way to us, and manage to develop their skills and interests by attending our Saturday workshops, and any other courses that may be put on. We are a regional group affiliated to the Calligraphy and Lettering Arts Society (CLAS) & the Society of Scribes and Illuminators (SSI)
Come and join us!
We'd love to meet you
work by Jan Sambell
Italic Lettering
Book making
Mary Noble is one of our tutors
"The letters of the Alphabet are both elements of a greater entity and entities themselves"